
delusional, since 1991 *pew pew*


Bored at 2AM

It feels like ages since I last blogged on here.
But really, that's because nothing much has happened in my life.

I spend my time either watching hockey (which someone pointed out to me meant spending 6 hours a day glued to my TV), applying to job postings for Co-op, playing video games, going for driving lessons, eating, sleeping, or writing. 'Tis a sad existence. But school is starting back up again for summer term on Tuesday for me so I guess that will cut down on my time for... everything.

Sadly, hockey is the most exciting thing in my life right now. The Habs are out now, but I'm still following the Canucks and Red Wings, though I foresee the Red Wings being knocked out very shortly (much to my chagrin).

I suppose that applying to job postings is somewhat exciting, though reading the requirements just makes me go "WHY AM I SO INADEQUATE?", but oh well. My coordinator said to apply for a job, you really only need 50% of what they're asking for. Nothing really exotic's come up, the most exotic postings being for companies in Boise, Idaho, and Cupertino, California (Apple, which is pretty freaking exciting). In terms of the companies making the postings, there are some fairly well-known companies (Capcom, Demonware, etc.) with facilities in the Lower Mainland here so that'd be good for my wallet. God knows I probably would die if I had to live by myself right now. I'd be awake until the wee hours of the morning all the time. There are some postings for jobs in Ontario that sound pretty interesting. And if I do end up in Ontario, at least that's still in Canada so it's still kind of "home" (meh, sorta), and since I haven't been back East, that'd be pretty fascinating. Ontario's where all the action is.

I'm actually spending a lot more time on Tumblr nowadays. It's so easy to get sucked in. It probably doesn't help that I actually run a blog on there now with a decent amount of followers (a whopping 175! In like a week and a half or so?). So if you're ever curious as to what I and my followers (who submit things) deem to be Vancouver-exclusive sorts of things (and my judgment is way off sometimes, I know), then feel free to pop on over. Or you can go to my personal tumblr (see link in sidebar) if you care to see what kind of useless crap I'm interested in or am whining about currently.

I found this article on Cracked today about the 5 "shocking" ways in which we overestimate ourselves. It kind of surprised me that I didn't find any of it surprising (yay for confusing sentences!). I recently came to the conclusion that human beings are inherently selfish. Sure, people share and do things for others as a way of being nice, but in the end, who are we all looking out for? Number One, that's who. Because no matter how much you care about someone and what is going on in their life, you cannot think nonstop about them. You just can't. In the end, you really just don't care all that much, especially compared to yourself. But it's 2AM and I've digressed. Go read the article and hate yourself a little more... I kid, I kid.

Anyway, I'm just going to finish writing up this scene and go to sleep.


Megsta said...

"God knows I probably would die if I had to live by myself right now. I'd be awake until the wee hours of the morning all the time."

STORY OF MY LIFE!!! HAHAHAHAHA OK well yesterday I went to sleep at 12, and it felt late. Like I wanted to pass out while on Skype with my parents. I don't remember ever feeling so tired so early...

MISS YOU! Let's talk during the game tomorrow =)

Delusion-Elle said...


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